Next to Normal Auditions
White Christmas Rehearsals
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Build your theatrical foundation with LCMP Cultural Arts Programmer and TN Youth Outreach Coordinator Brian McNally in this entry-level course. The six-week class will introduce students to the concepts and skills necessary for structured, engaging and fun pantomime, storytelling, readiness, cooperation, character building and more. Roster size is limited.
Noontime Concert
James Tinsely (trumpet) & Katie Cross (piano)
A Day on Broadway, A Night at the Opera
TrueNorth Chorale and Chamber Orchestra with Great Lake Light Opera
…And Scene!
Have you ever felt like you know your lines, but now what to do with them? Or like you know your blocking, but now how to get there? Then …And Scene! is the class for you. Taught by LCMP Cultural Arts Programmer and TN Youth Outreach Coordinator Brian McNally, this class will utilize script analysis, character development, spatial awareness, scene …
Falling Auditions
TrueNorth Cultural Arts Announces Upcoming Auditions: Falling by Deanna Jent Directed by Melissa Crum About the Play: Falling boldly explores the dynamic and complicated reality of a family with an autistic young man. When a relative comes to visit, the entire family is thrown out of equilibrium, with everyone trying to balance what is best for the family and what …